Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fun on the beach and back to work

The top picture was a time of rest with my family. The beach is the place we seek when we need rest. It is such a peaceful place filled with Gods Majesty. We spent a few days just walking on the beach listening to the waves and searching for sea life, which we found each day. The beach holds such a special place in our hearts and we love being there.

The next picture is back in the office. It was a early morning departure from San Jose, California. The sun was just coming up over the mountains and it is very beautiful. On the way back to Minneapolis you see aircraft fly by and realize how fast you are traveling. We are flying at over 600 miles an hour at 40,000 feet above sea level. It does not feel like you are traveling that fast but when we drive our car we drive about 60 miles per hour which equals one mile a minute. At 600 MPH we travel about 2.5 miles in 15 seconds. That would mean we could be from our house to Church in 4 minutes. WOW!

Well on to Minneapolis and Duluth today. Tomorrow Tuscon. Sea ya tomorrow.

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