Friday, March 26, 2010

Hotel Flying


When they say Airport Hotel they really mean it. This is a video standing on the deck of our room in Miami. It was a cloudy day and you could watch the planes pop out of the clouds and fly by. Very cool, got a love it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Charter Bus

This trip is a NBA charter. There are several Airbus aircraft that are specially fitted to only fly the NBA stars around. They are what they call above first class. The aircraft in this configuration holds about 50 people. Normally it holds 150 people. It is like having a very large personal jet. Very cool.

It is a long day for us. We started in Minneapolis and picked up a team and dropped them in Dallas and then we flew empty to Oklahoma City and picked up another team. We flew that team to Houston and then flew empty back to Dallas to be in position to fly a team back to Minneapolis the next day. We get in about 2am. The Next day we fly a team back to Minneapolis and then on to Portland Oregon. Wow what a trip. I will keep you posted. The food is amazing. I think my nick name will be fat boy after this trip. Each of the seats have individual video systems and about anything you could possibly want is on board.

This picture is Dallas. We fly into the downtown airport which is very close to downtown. kind of cool.