Thursday, October 29, 2009


It is a cloudy day today in Milwaukee but flying in I saw a unique building on the skyline. I found this picture to show you. It is the Art Museum downtown. I am staying close by it today. The top part that looks like a whales tail or ships tail, is part of the roof that twice a day opens up like wings. Very cool. The temperature today is cool and it is very cloudy.

It was an early get up today at 3am when I left Boston. This trip has had all early departures which is wearing me out. It is hard to make yourself go to bed early. I feel like a senior citizen. I get the early bird special at dinner because I eat at 4 and then in bed by 8 pm. Yee Haw I am living it up. One more day of early get ups and then I am sleeping in. I fly to Minneapolis then on to San Diego and then back tomorrow. Long day but I can't wait to see ya.

I'll have the seniors special please!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey you old man - rest up because when you get home, it's a very busy weekend! Love u.