Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Up Up and Away!

Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, faster than a speeding bullet, it's a bird, its a plane it's, it's, oh a plane.

(You will have to pause my awesome music to hear the action).

The skies are very crowded and I love seeing the other aircraft fly by. They are about 1000 feet away as they sail by. Hard to get a good picture. The actual view is much better.

This picture was in Memphis. It was a row of Regional Jets all lined up.

This picture is flying over the San Mateo Mts which are just to the Northwest of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Look at the snow!
The Grand Canyon just never gets old. The view is always a little different depending on the light and time of year. We are flying at 38,000 feet. Very cool.

Well on to Vegas Baby!

1 comment:

Just a "TAD" more said...

Totally cool! The plane in the clip looks so close. You even have awesome traffic jams. Ha Ha