This was our sweet ride this morning in Sacramento. Normally we ride in a very average van but today we are Rock Stars. I walked out to get in the van and saw this huge limo and wondered who was taking that and why in the world would they be going at this hour. It was 0530 in the morning. If I was a Rock Star I would go like 1100. Well it was for us. We hopped in and drove to the airport and everyone we passed, (all 3 people on the road at that time) looked in and wondered what star would emerge. Well sorry to disappoint you it is just your Rock Star pilots. Yeeee Haww. I am not sure how cool I looked climbing out of the limo that sits so low to the ground I almost split my pants trying to crawl out and then knocked my hat off practically falling out on the ground. I think I need to practice my stage entrance. Oh well next time. It was fun while it lasted.
See ya soon!
hilarious. I thought I was the only one our age who has trouble getting out of a low car.
I could just picture you!
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