Sunday, May 2, 2010

When the Cat is away...

Gotcha YA!

GaGa is up for a visit and is staying in the basement and the other day she told me that the lid to the toilet had just snapped off. Well after a million jokes, I went and looked at it and sure enough it had just snapped on both of the hinges. I could not believe it. So I replaced the lid with a new one and asked her what she was doing with it. She informed me that just normal stuff. Well, I am on a trip and could not leave it alone so I installed a hidden camera to see what the heck was going on. Check out this picture. I knew it!

Turn on a little praise and worship music and watch out. I think she is doing the running man dance.

Her new Indian name is "One with Stool". It use to be "One with Wind" but that is another story. Never a dull moment!

(Just kidding about the hidden camera. Karen caught this picture.)